Monday, December 10, 2012

Clean Cut

This feels (and looks) like I'm right back at the beginning. In a way, it is. But in another way, it's not. 

Some times there are points in our lives where we need to make a decision. We are clinging to something we don't really want/need/desire anymore, yet, because of the past (memories, emotions, comforts) we don't let go. We may attempt to make the old fit into our new lives through a variety of ways, but still find we are not happy. 

This is when we need to make a clean cut. Those things we are holding onto, that we can't effectively live in the moment with, need to go. We know if we keep them in our lives, if only for a small part, they will start to take over again and leave us unsure, unhappy, and stagnant.

I'm glad I decided this was it. I feel so free, unburdened, relieved. It hurt, but I've been dealing with hurt for awhile now. I'm a strong person. So are you. We can all have what we want in this life as long as we listen to our wise inner selves. It can be scary, it can be painful, it can be unstable. But, by not making a choice and living in limbo, we are setting ourselves up for something so much worse.

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