Friday, November 2, 2012

Playing, not playing

This game can get really stressful. Sometimes you stay up all night writing things because you are afraid of not getting a grade close to 100 and stress yourself out. Sometimes you have a bazillion assignments all due in one week and you want to get a grade close to 100 so you stress yourself out. Sometimes you enjoy your life and don't think about the school game for awhile, then feel very guilty for not playing and stress yourself out for that.

Kind of a vicious cycle, eh? And lots of people play it. So it's hard to say no. Everyone says the pay off is worth it-- next you get to play the work game, the homeowner game, maybe even one day the parent game! Woo hoo!

This has all been a bit harsh, I realize. My intention is not not say that everyone who plays the school game is unintelligent or can't think for themselves. However, I do believe it is a game and the more I wean myself off of it, the sillier it seems to me that we take it so seriously, along with other games. Last one!


  1. You are on a journey, to where is not important. It's the journey itself that will bring the rewards for your effort.

  2. Frank, you sound like a fortune cookie XD. But yes, I'm learning that, it can be a little scary, but it helps to laugh a lot :).
