Friday, November 2, 2012

Playing, not playing

In the spirit of these photos, descriptions will be provided at a later date when I have learned to play the ukelele, finished the third season of True Blood, finger painted, created a dance to Gangnum Style, contemplated the meaning of life then realized I should be rolling around in the leaves, and have had a pumpkin beer. But seriously, there will be more to come when True Blood is over . . .

Alright, the later date has come, so what is this all about? School? One could say. Life? Indeed. Contemplating happiness? Oh, yeah.   

I was thinking about games. We humans (maybe I'm assuming too much in relation to other beings, but we'll dissect that at a later date) like to play them. Sometimes for fun, other times for fun, but we don't really think of it that way.

At one point in my life I played this game called school. The school game is where you try to win points by getting the highest grade on assignments (generally out of 100). You then have your points averaged by a certified school gamer (also know as teacher) and they determine whether or not you are a "good" student.

The school game could be really competitive. You could be super competitive amongst your fellow school gamers and hate on each other by comparing GPA's or just put a lot of pressure on yourself because your parents said they liked you more when you were winning the game or you felt like your were hurting the certified school gamer's feelings when you fell asleep during a boring ass lecture. Continue . . . 

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